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HanRongDa - HRD-701...
€ 35,00The HanRongDa HRD-701 is a very complete pocket sized world receiver with a digital display, many receiving bands, bluetooth speaker function and more. The radio comes with a soft carry bag, a hand strap and an USB-C type charging cable. Very compact size of only 90 x 38 x 61 mm. Color 'Desert Yellow'.
HanRongDa - HRD-A320...
€ 89,00The HanRongDa HRD-A320 is a new compact multi-band world receiver with many great features.
It can be fully controlled by a free downloadable Android APP or used the traditional way by turning and pushing the control buttons.
Besides multi-band reception of FM, VHF, MW, SW and Airband it can also be used as Bluetooth speaker, TF card player and as external speaker of audio input.