With the RFE full license, you can upgrade your RigExpert MATCH, unlocking all extra and advanced features and extending its capabilities:
Extended Frequency Range:
Measurements from 0.1 to 500 MHz, covering HF, VHF, and UHF bands.
Time Domain Reflectometry (TDR) Chart: Identify faults in transmission lines by analyzing reflected signals.
Advanced Table Modes:
Multiband Mode: Visualize and compare antenna performance across multiple bands.
Multé: Automatically evaluates all HAM bands in your region, assigning a 1–5 star rating to bands where SWR is below 3.0, facilitating easy performance monitoring.
Quick Band Access: Provides direct access to selected bands for faster measurements.
Advanced Tools:
Stub Tuner: For precise tuning of stub antennas.
Length vs VF: Determine cable length and velocity factor.
Cable Loss: Accurately measure signal loss in cables.
Cable Impedance: Measure the characteristic impedance of cables.
LC Meter: Measure inductance (L) and capacitance (C) values.
OSL Calibration: Perform Open-Short-Load calibration for higher measurement accuracy.
User OSL Profiles: Supports up to 10 user-defined calibration profiles for tailored measurements.
Additional Features:
SWR2Air: Broadcasts measured values via the speaker or over the air using the same antenna.
Bluetooth Connectivity: Enables wireless data management.
Please note that each license is valid for use with only one RigExpert MATCH.